


ごみの出し方 資源物 Recyclable Materials


This page explain that dispose recyclable materials.

ごみの種類別の出し方 How to dispose recyclable materials


Recyclable materials is broadly categorized into paper, clothing and fabric, PET bottles, empty bottles, and empty cans (steel and aluminum).

紙類 paper

  • 紙パック paper pack


Please rinse, cut open, and bundle together.

  • 新聞紙: Newspaper
  • チラシ: Flyers
  • ダンボール: Cardboard
  • 雑誌: Magazines
  • 雑誌


Please tie them in a cross shape.

衣類・布類 clothing and fabric



When disposing of clothing and fabric as waste, regardless of the material, such as cotton or synthetic fibers, they will be collected as recyclable materials. Please place them in a bag on the collection day. (Items with stains, company names, logos, individual names, etc., should be disposed of as bulky waste.)

ペットボトル PET bottles




Applies only to items with the PET bottle mark. If there is a mark, color, size, and shape do not matter. Please remove the cap and label, and rinse. Dispose of plastic caps and labels as other plastics.


Please crush and dispose of PET bottles after washing.

空きビン empty bottles



Remove the contents and rinse with water. For items with plastic caps like vinegar bottles, please remove the caps and dispose of them as 'other plastics.' There is no need to remove labels or unseal caps. For broken bottles, please dispose of them as bulky waste.

  • めんつゆ、ポン酢、ワンカップなどの透明のビン: Transparent bottles for condiments like noodle soup base, ponzu, and single-serving cups
  • 栄養ドリンク・ワインなどの茶色のビン: Brown bottles for nutritional drinks, wine, etc.
  • ビールビン: Beer bottles
  • 一升ビン: Sake bottles
  • その他色のビン: Bottles of other colors

空き缶(スチール・アルミ) empty cans (steel and aluminum)



To ensure that there is no foreign matter such as contents, tobacco, or paper scraps inside the can, please make sure to rinse the interior thoroughly with water. The following cans with the "Steel Can Mark" or "Aluminum Can Mark" are applicable.

  • ジュースやビールなどの各種飲料用空き缶: Empty cans for various beverages like juice and beer
  • お茶の缶 Tea cans
  • 缶詰の缶 Cans for canned food
  • ペットフードの缶: Cans for pet food
  • お菓子の缶: Cans for sweets
  • 海苔の缶: Cans for seaweed

  • スプレー缶 Spray cans


  1. ノズルが付いているものはノズルを外します。
  2. まわりに火がないか、火が付くようなものがないか、また換気がよくできる場所で、スプレー缶に穴をあけます。
  3. 中身を完全に出し切ってから、ごみに出してください。

For spray cans, please be cautious about how you dispose of them. Follow the steps below:

If the can has a nozzle, remove it.

In a well-ventilated area with no open flames or potential sources of ignition, puncture a hole in the spray can.

Once the contents are completely emptied, dispose of it as regular waste.
